"Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap." Galatians 6:7
It has been widely reported that being obese or living an unhealthy lifestyle puts a person at a significantly higher risk for contracting COVID-19.
At this writing, over 1/3 of our population in the United States is considered obese. That to me is unacceptable. And more frustrating to me is that we have brought this on ourselves.
For decades we have sown seeds of unhealthy lifestyle choices.
Choices like laziness or hitting the drive thru too many times.
Now we are now reaping the consequences of those choices. The poor overall health of our country has been exposed as over 3,000,000 folks have been diagnosed with The Coronavirus.
3 Million! That's crazy. Now, I'm aware that some of these cases are not the norm, perfectly healthy folks have succumbed. But that doesn't discount the fact that our society is struggling with the Other Pandemic....the Pandemic of Obesity.
Again, this baffles my mind.
Many of these cases could have been avoided. Avoided by making better choices and taking care of ourselves. Avoided by allowing ourselves to be the priority, getting off the couch and getting that workout in. Or by having the salad with the kids instead of the 'easy' choice of the drive thru.
We can get better. Each day we are either getting 1% better or 1% worse based on our choices.
It's not too late.
Are you at risk? Are you making wrong choices? Are you struggling with how to turn the corner and make better choices?
I can help. Let's talk.
Reach out by clicking the GET IN TOUCH button. Leave me with the best number to call you and the best days and times to reach you and we will see how we can get you sowing seeds that reap great health and fitness.
Dedicated to your health,
Erik Peacock
P.S. FYI - if you are not currently working with us, we are also doing a special 1 month virtual training program with 100% of funds raised being used to support our local restaurants who are shut down by the mandates. Just go here to check it out.
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