Drive by any school right now and you will see a parking lot filled with cars. Teachers, custodians and staff are working around the clock to prepare classrooms and buildings for the fresh faces that will walk through the doors in the coming days.
Talk to any parent of school age kids and you will hear of their many shopping trips to find just the right shoes and the exact school supplies.
Meet up with parents of college bound kiddos and you'll hear how their home was transformed into a dorm room holding area as they prepared to set up a home away from home for their grown up child.
Step outside and you will feel crisp morning temps with bright blue skies that warm comfortably throughout the Minnesota late summer days.
This is a wonderful time of year! New beginnings are most apparent in the spring, but different new beginnings happen in the fall. Sometimes I think of it like January and the coming of a new year, but in September the year already is 75% complete.
That means there is still 4 months to start something and see it to completion before we ring in a new year. And 4 months is a ton of time!
Becky set a goal in our 8 week summer F.A.T Method group to lose 10 pounds. She figured she would get a jump start and hit the goal in 12 weeks. Wrong! She nailed her goal in just 8 weeks because she followed the plan and put in the work.
Stephanie started online training and nutrition coaching 3 months ago. She is feeling better than ever with a 28 pound drop in weight.
These stories encourage me and I hope the same for you.
So often we hear people say "I just need to wait until school starts to get back into my routine" or "once the cabin trips stop and the kids go back to school I can focus on myself again."
In reality though, once school starts, there are new demands for your time. Fall sports, dance classes and church programs begin. Will you really have more time?
If you MAKE TIME for yourself you definitely will. Time doesn't grow on trees.
Becky started in June, Stephanie in May. Why those times? Because each of them decided that the TIME IS NOW. They made the time.
September is a time for new beginnings. Maybe a reset.
Where are you at Tracy? Do you need to declare a new beginning or call out a reset?
This September, I challenge you to make some serious time for yourself - your health, your fitness, your nutrition, your self care. I challenge you to put YOUR NEEDS and workouts on the calendar first and work everything else around them.
You matter! Your wellness matters! When you feel good about yourself everything in you, around you and for you is better.
No one has ever left the gym saying "I feel terrible after that workout." The exact opposite is true! Sure you might feel tired before you work out. No problem. Energy and good focus await you - IF you make the time. I mean WHEN you make the time!
Need some accountability with your new beginning or your reset? We can help! Click the blue button below to set up a complimentary Success Session. We will meet with you to learn about your lifestyle, habits, and obstacles, and determine the best program that has you reaching your goals before the end of 2023!
Let's get started!
Tracy Farrell
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