Matthew 7:14: "For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it."
This passage is a true reflection of the current state of our health in the United States.
According to the statistics published in 2022, 71.6% of American adults are overweight and a staggering 41.9% are clinically obese.
Many people are headed through the "gate of destruction" as being overweight or obese dramatically increases your risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes as well as putting extra pressure on joints.
The other day I was working with a nutrition client who was talking about how hard it is to eat right and exercise.
My response was "everything in life is hard. No matter which way you go. You just have to choose your hard."
Working out and eating right is HARD but so is being obese so choose your HARD.
Being financially disciplined is HARD but so is being broke so choose your HARD
Having a good marriage is HARD but so is being divorced so choose your HARD
Being disciplined is HARD but so are the results from lack of discipline so choose your HARD.
Getting and staying lean, fit, and healthy is a narrow gate few people find but continuing down the wide gate will eventually lead to the destruction of health.
The F.A.T. Method program is our most effective weapon to get you through the narrow gate.
It focuses on nutrition first which is 80% of your results when it comes to weight loss.
The good news is you won't have to track calories or carbs. We have designed it to be simple to follow and built in accountability to make sure you stay on track.
Our second group is off and running and people are seeing major progress after just 3 weeks.
Here are some examples:
-My high school buddy Tim is already down 10 pounds and his strength is back to where it was at it's peak.
-Cheryl got patted down at the airport by TSA because her pants were so baggy from the inches she has lost.
-Lorraine has dropped 7 pounds at the age of 75! She has blown up the age and broken metabolism excuse
These are a few examples of the results people are seeing just a few weeks into this program.
How would results like these feel to you?
Our next F.A.T. Method group starts next Monday March 27th. Currently we are only offering 15 slots.
With this 8-week F.A.T. Method program you get....
If you want one of the slots, click the button below to set up a 30 minute Nutrition Discovery call where we will assess your nutrition habits and challenges in order to determine if this program is a good fit for you. They are sure to go fast.
We are on a mission to create 50 life changing transformations in 2023. We are well on our way to achieving this goal...we want you to be the next one.
Dedicated to your results,
Erik Peacock
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