If you know me, I'm a music buff. Country, rock and roll, classics... I know them all.
I'm sure my brain space could be put to better use, but I love music so what can I say.
The other day I heard this song from the 90s by a rock band called Extreme. The chorus goes "stop the world, I want to get off."
It made me stop and think.
The world has been crazy over the last few years. At times I am left feeling disoriented and would like to stop the world...and get off.
Luckily I have a good coach who keeps me from crashing and burning.
One of her favorite sayings is to "DO THE NEXT RIGHT THING." That saying always gets me back to tunnel vision where I can focus on working my way through life's challenges one step at a time.
I'm sure you look at each day and see a seemingly endless list of "to-dos." It can be overwhelming if you let it.
However, if you prioritize the list, you will know what the next right thing is based on those priorities.
Here is an example from my own life.
Today as I write this email my list looks like this:
That's a lot of stuff. I prioritized and chose to start with self care in order to be physically and mentally my BEST for my clients and family.
That was the first right thing.
The next right thing? Writing this email. It requires the most thought and mental effort so I do it early when it's quiet in my office and I have more mental energy.
Finally, I move on to social media work since business growth is my #1 priority this month.
It makes taking these daunting days much easier.
How did I learn to do that?
Great coaching. Even coaches need coaches. We invest in what we sell.
Good coaching makes you more purpose driven and productive in ALL areas of your life.
I'm guessing like most people, you are busy. Even though you are busy, do you feel like there is purpose and growth in your life?
Before I had coaching, I was running around putting out fires never going anywhere except in circles.
Now when I wake up each day I have a well ordered plan and I always know "next right thing" and then the next and the next and the next.
When it comes to nutrition, what is the next right thing you need to do?
It's okay if you don't know because most people don't. Most folks haphazardly jump on some fad diet that gets them initial success but never fixes the problem long term.
Kind of like putting a piece of tape over the check engine light in your car.
The next right thing for you can be assessed with good nutrition coaching. And lucky for you, we are starting our 6-WEEK SUMMER SLIM DOWN BOD SQUAD program tomorrow night at 7:30pm central on Zoom.
This program will create order and structure out of chaotic nutrition. You will always know the next right thing to do.
When it comes to seeing your body change, nutrition is 80% of your results.
We will guide you step-by-step through the healthy habits and maze that proper nutrition has become. You will be supported during the entire 6 weeks. This program includes:
We've run this program several times now here at Puravida with some amazing results. Not only is the program simple and easy to implement, it delivers results. Click here to see just how powerful it is.
Do the "Next Right Thing." For $149 we will have you ready to face the world, manage the spin and stay on track. We only have a few spots left. You can grab one by going here.
I hope you will join us.
Dedicated to helping you do the "next right thing."
Erik Peacock
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